Sunday, February 26, 2012

even from dirt flowers grow

...or something. I just looked that up and apparently that's not a saying. But the main idea of regrowth, of something pretty or nice or pleasant growing from nastiness or discomfort is all there. A string of very stressful times with essays and midterms, falling behind in school work, getting sick, and culminating to having to skip a variety of pretty amazing things led me to feel a little down. I was bedridden for three days, missed going to trivia night with friends, a lecture on fire ecology in rangeland systems (nerd), a field trip to a local sustainable apartment complex, and a fabulous foodie potluck to plan Earth Day.

But from these things came some glimmers of hope and things taking a turn for the better.

While I was studying for my midterms, I had recently stumbled upon this blog on how to make hair ribbons from a variety of material and was particularly drawn to the crocheted bow. So I used it as a mind breather from 30 pages of notes of Rangeland Ecology, using a size H hook and scrap yarn.

Rainbow bow, with C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis in the background.

Now, I don't have very many girly friends. I myself am willing to wear bows in my hair only as of very recent, so even though these are fun and easy to make, I wondered how I could pawn them off. Until I remembered my boyfriend and I had a work event in the form of a ball. A simple safety pin and viola!

(He didn't want it to choke him so he wore it a little low)

Us together. 

I was sick and came prepared: jacket, purse full of meds, tissue, water, book, and knitting. It came in handy because the ball was a little of a bust, so my purse kept me occupied.

I did my nails later today when I was feeling better, but wish I had done it for the ball, because it fit the purple dress and jacket I wore. I dabbed glitter on the ends. A little messy, and my nails are very short since I bite when I'm nervous or sick, or bored, know.

Purple mania!

And then this happened while I was in bed sick...

My bush beans are growing!

So tall and pretty.

I also went to the market today for the first time in...a while. Being sick, I had little energy to cook and ate out often. But today I went and bought veggies I love but seldom buy (or at least not as much as I should) and one I've never tried (guess's the fennel).

Greenies. L to R: Brussel sprouts, zucchini, leeks, fennel, kale.

I then sauteed them with olive oil and butter, and made a delicious risotto for me and Erik using white rice, Swanson's veg stock, and parmesan. 

So things are on the upswing. Have you had any moments where it seemed unfortunate, but you were able to derive happiness from it?

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