Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The weather and other nonsense

I know it's cliche and boring to talk about the weather, but can we just talk about California weather for a second, you guys? Working in ecology makes me extremely aware of what the local weather is like--we keep a daily log of temperature, wind in meters per second, and obviously keep a hawk's eye out on possible rain.

This winter has been a roller coaster. It's been extremely dry, and has been generally very warm--we're talking mid 60s to 80s! There was maybe two weeks when it got way colder than the Central Valley part of the state should--mid 30s. And then it got hot hot hot and didn't rain for a long stretch. It finally rained about a week ago, not stopping for 3-4 days straight, taking a little rest, and raining again. And now it's warm and dry, AGAIN. 

Sunset leaving the parking structure after work. This was a warm day.

First of many rainy days. Olive trees lining the streets. Davis can be so pretty sometimes.

Almond tree in bloom?! It's not spring! Go back to sleep!! It was overcast but not rainy this day.

Honey bee, you're drunk. You don't even know what seasons are.


And then it got insanely warm this past weekend.

We sat outside and had ourselves some beers, like it was summer. Mmm, beer.

There is no rhyme or rhythm. I guess all there is to do is to sit back and wait it out.
On a somewhat related note, eesh am I nervous to see what temperatures it will spike to in summer if this is what winter conditions are like.

(pssst: Look out for another post soon, I have something on the needles I'm pretty excited about!)

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