Posting continually is hard, but even harder is maintaining a schedule once unemployed and graduated. It's an odd place to be in life and an odd feeling! But I understand this is the plight of every 20-something-year-old, and there's a bunch of television shows out to try to explain this such plight, so I'll save you the mundane details.
While in college, I took a couple classes from the Craft Center on campus, which is exactly as awesome and crafty as it sounds. The place had cheap classes students and community members could take, from screen printing to developing photos in a dark room to looming. I took a class on yarn spinning, three hours a week for three months, getting to campus at 8:45 am, ending class at 6:00 pm, going to class until 9:00 pm, and then catching the 10:10 bus home. It was absolutely worth it.
We spun a lot that class, but this is one of the ones I'm most proud of. I definitely wanted to keep spinning after that class, and even bought some beautifully dyed wool roving. Unfortunately, I am not the most talented at using the drop spindle, and spinning wheels are so expensive, even the cheapest lines. I haven't used the yarn I've made in that class for anything yet, but I plan on it soon. Sneaking it in to a beanie or using it for a granny square and knowing I made that yarn would be a great detail and internal secret, y'know?
Since this was a short post lacking in pictures, I added a photo I took of my dog, Dow, when I was home. He's 13 years old, but still as cute as when he was a puppy! Except he's a little overweight now, but he gets a free pass because he's elderly.
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